All standard yaku descriptions are there, but not all have images.
Declared riichi. You may declare riichi if your hand is both menzenchin (closed) and tenpai. Bet 1,000 points. Allows Ura Dora.
A hand with no terminals or honors (2-8 of any suit only). AKA All Simples.
A closed hand won by Tsumo. AKA Fully concealed.
A triplet of any:
A hand which has no fu. Composed of 4 sequences, a non-Yakuhai pair, and a ryanmen (open) wait.
A hand with 2 identical sequences (same values, same suit). AKA Pure Double Sequence
Call Ron when another player calls Kan for a shominkan (upgrade Pon to Kan). Special exception for Kokushi Musou, where all kans apply. Special exception for Suukantsu, where you cannot call Ron against the 4th kan that player makes. AKA Robbing the Kan
Win with Tsumo off of the tile drawn from the Dead Wall immediatley after calling a Kan or Nuki. In some rule sets, under the Sekinin Barai (Pao), or Responsibility rule, the player who dealt the tile which was called for a kan may pay for the winning player's Tsumo as though it were a Ron. AKA After a Kan
Win by Tsumo/Ron off of the last draw/discard of the game. AKA Under the Sea/River.
Win within 1 uninterrupted turn after declaring riichi. Calls interrupt the turn, so any Pon, Kan, Chii, or Nuki will kill the ippatsu.
Dora count for 1 Han if they are in your winning hand. Dora tiles are the next tile after the flipped Dora Indicator Tile. 9s cycle back to 1s. For winds, the order is: East -> South -> West -> North. For dragons, the order is: Haku -> Hatsu -> Chun. To remember this, winds go clockwise around the compass, and dragons go in alphabetical order (in EN and JP).
Ura Dora (裏ドラ) are given to hands that win with Riichi. The tiles underneath the Dora Indicator Tiles are used as Ura Dora Indicator Tiles.
Optional replacement 5 tiles which always count as dora.
In some versions of Sanma, the deadwall may be adjusted to have 4 additional rishan draws, and the North tile may be called. After calling Kita or Nuki, the player puts the north tile into their calls and draws from the Dead Wall (you can score Rishan Kaihou from this). Each Kita/Nuki call will count as a Dora for that player (it does not count as a Dora if used in the hand).
Other versions of Sanma do not use this, and instead the North tile is always Yakuhai.
Declare riichi on your first turn. That turn must not be interrupted (calls interrupt turns, so there cannot be any Pons, Kans, Chiis, or Kitas).
A hand where each meld and pair has a terminal and/or an honor. Must have an honor tile (otherwise it'd be junchan, honroutou, or chinroutou). AKA Half Outside Hand or honchantaiyaochuu (混全帯么九)
Kuisagari: Loses 1 han when open.
A hand with 3 sequences of the same value in 3 different suits. AKA Mixed Triple Sequence, 3 Colored Straight
Kuisagari: Loses 1 han when open
A hand with 3 sequences in 1 suit with values 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. AKA Full Straight, Ikkitsuukan (一気通貫)
Kuisagari: Loses 1 han when open
A hand with 4 triplets and a pair. AKA All Triplets, Toitoihou (対々和)
Note: If the hand is completely concealed (and wins by Tsumo), Suuankou is scored instead. If the hand is completely concealed but wins by Ron, Sanankou is scored in addition to toitoi.
A hand with 3 concealed triplets. If the 3rd triplet is achieved from a Ron, that triplet is not concidered concealed, and as such this yaku is not awarded. When combined with Toitoi, if the hand wins by Tsumo, the yakuman Suuankou is scored instead. AKA 3 Concealed Triplets
A hand with 3 triplets of the same value in 3 different suits. AKA Triple Triplets
A hand with 3 kans. AKA Three Kans
Note: If a hand has 4 kans, the yakuman Suukantsu is scored instead.
A hand with 7 unique pairs. AKA Seven Pairs, All Pairs
A hand with only terminals and honors. Unlike Chanta, Honroutou cannot have any sequences. If the hand is only terminals or only honors, then Chinroutou or Tsuuiisou is scored instead. Though this yaku is worth 2 han, the hand will score at least 4 han because of Toitoi. AKA All Terminals and Honors
A hand with 2 triplets of 2 different dragons, plus a pair of the 3rd remaining dragon. Though this yaku is worth 2 han, the hand will score at least 4 han because of Yakuhai. If the hand has triplets of all 3 dragons, the yakuman Daisangen is scored instead. AKA Little Three Dragons
A hand with only one numbered suit and honors. If there are no honors, the hand scores Chinitsu instead.
Kuisagari: Loses 1 han when open.
A hand where each meld has a terminal, but doesn't have any honors. AKA Fully Outside Hand, Outside Hand, Junchantaiyaochuu (純全帯么九)
Kuisagari: Loses 1 han when open.
A hand with 2 different identical sequences. Two iipeikous, if you will. AKA Twice Pure Double Sequence
A hand with only one numbered suit. No honors.
Kuisagari: Loses 1 han when open.
Win by Tsumo in the first uninterrupted turn.
A hand which has 1 of each terminal and honor, plus an additional terminal or honor. AKA Thirteen Orphans
Under some rule sets, if the hand is waiting on any of the 13 tiles, it is scored as a Double Yakuman instead (Kokushi Musou 13 Menmachi, 国士無双13面待ち). AKA Thirteen Wait Thirteen Orphans
A hand with a triplet of all 3 dragons. AKA Big Three Dragons
Sekinin Barai: If a player has 2 out of 3 possible dragons called, then calls Pon or Kan on the final dragon triplet needed for the Yakuman, the player who dealt that tile will be responsible for that Yakuman, should the hand win. If the player with Daisangen wins by Tsumo, it is treated as a Ron against the player who is responsible. If the player with Daisangen wins by Ron, the player who is responsible will pay for half of the hand.
A hand with 4 concealed triplets. AKA Four Concealed Triplets
Under some rule sets, if the hand is waiting on 1 tile, it is scored as a Double Yakuman instead (Suuankou Tanki, 四暗刻単騎). AKA Four Concealed Triplets, Single Wait
A hand with 3 triplets of 3 winds, plus a pair of the remaining wind (shousuushi), or a 4th triplet of the remaining wind (daisuushi). AKA Little Four Winds and Big Four Winds.
Under some rule sets, Daisuushii is scored as a Double Yakuman instead.
Sekinin Barai: If the player has 3 out of 4 possible winds called, then calls Pon or Kan on the final wind triplet needed for the Yakuman, the player who dealt that tile will be responsible for that Yakuman. If they win by Tsumo, it's treated as a Ron against the player responsible. If they win by Ron, the player responsible will pay for half of the hand.
A hand with only honor tiles. AKA All Honors
A hand with only green. This means only the 2,3,4,6,8 souzu and hatsu tiles are allowed in this hand. In some rule sets, the hand must have the hatsu tile in order to score this Yakuman.
A hand with only terminal tiles.
A hand with 1112345678999 of any suit. AKA Nine Gates
Under some rule sets, if the hand is waiting on 9 tiles, it is scored as a Double Yakuman instead (Junsei Chuuren Poutou, 純正九蓮宝燈). AKA Pure Nine Gates
A hand with 4 kans. AKA Four Kans
Sekinin Barai: If the player has 3 Kans, then calls Kan on another player's discard, the player who discarded that tile will be responsible for that Yakuman. If they win by Tsumo, it's treated as a Ron against the player responsible. If they win by Ron, the player responsible will pay for half of the hand.
Note: These are only the local yaku my group plays with. We don't play with many local yaku, and the ones we do play with are uhh,, unique.
Chiitoitsu + Tsuuiisou
Have 1861 in one suit and 1865 in another, then a triplet of North and South.
"Mah-jongg" is a valid replacement call for Ron and Tsumo for this yaku.
As you declare riichi, you may reveal your hand. On tsumo, the riichi is worth 2 han. On ron, it's worth a Yakuman.
A hand won by Ron within the first uninterrupted turn.
If the hand is won off of the first discard of the game, it is worth a Yakuman. If it is won off of a tile dealt by a non-dealer, it is worth a Mangan. If the hand is more valuable than a Mangan, it is scored as normal (Renhou is not awarded, the hand must always be scored to be the highest possible).
If you win by Ron on a West tile, and West is not a Yakuhai, with a Yakuman hand, the hand gains an additional Yakuman.
Have a hand composition that is the same as in this video (does not need to have open melds). If you are waiting on a tanki 5 man, and are furiten, you may call Ron off of the 1 man. Scored as though it were a normal hand with a valid wait.
"Lon" is a valid replacement call for this yaku. So is saying, "Too bad, like I said, I know your train of thought."
In your first row, if you discard 1 type of tile, then 4 of another type, then 1 more of the first type, at exhausive draw, you score a Sanbaiman. If a player calls any tiles from you, this yaku is invalidated.
A hand with 1 han and 110 fu. In this example, the hand is mezenchin, won by Ron, and is East at East round. This hand would normally be worth 3600 non-dealer or 5300 dealer, but since it is so incredibly rare, it deserves to be a yakuman.
The game is played with transparent tiles, just like in the Akagi manga and anime. All other rules are the same.
The game is played with 2 teams. Teammates sit across from each other, and Mahjong is played as usual. At the end, each team combines their points, and the player with the top score gets an additional bonus. In the arcade game Usagi: Yasei no Touhai Yamashiro Mahjong Hen (where this rule set comes from), this bonus is 20,000 points. This bonus could be anything, though.
"fun" yaku counting exercise: count the yaku and find out the value of the hand, then click here to see if you were right!
Note: The player to the left deals in with the 3 souzu.
An optional set of rules made to make sanma a bit more like regular mahjong.
Starting Points | 25000 (35000 for Sanma) | |
Target Points | 30000 (40000 for Sanma) | |
Uma Spread | +15/+5/-5/-15 (+20/±0/-20 for Sanma) | |
Tie Break | Earlier dealer wins ties | |
Tobi (Bankruptcy ends game) | No | |
Kuitan (Open Tanyao) | Yes | |
Atozuke | Yes | |
Kuikae (Swap calling) | No (dead hand) | |
Naki (Call Priority) | Time. Pon/Kan trumps chii if called at the same time*, otherwise the first call stands. Ron always has priority. *Give leeway of about 2-3 seconds | |
Ippatsu | Yes | |
Ura Dora | Yes | |
Kan Dora | Yes, ankan reveals new dora instantly | |
Aka Dora | 1 in each available suit | |
Riichi With No Remaining Draws | No | |
Furiten Riichi | Yes | |
Noten Riichi | No. Chombo at end of round. | |
Noten Penalty | 3000 | |
Multiple Ron | Yes. Triple Ron allowed. | |
Agari Renchan | Yes | |
Tenpai Renchan | Yes, but not if all players are Tenpai. | |
Agariyame | Yes, if the dealer chooses to end. | |
Tenpaiyame | Same as Agariyame | |
Nagashi Mangan | Yes | |
Pao (Sekinin Barai) | Daisangen, Daisuushii, and Suukantsu | |
Kazoe Yakuman | Yes | |
Multiple Yakuman | Yes | |
Remaining Riichi Bets After All Last | Removed | |
Double Wind Pair | 4 fu | |
Ankan in Riichi | Yes, if it doesn't change waits | |
Abortive Draw | Yes (Except Suufon renda in Sanma) | |
Ryuuiisou Requires Hatsu | No | |
Ankan Chankan for Kokushi Musou | Yes | |
Double Yakuman Hands |
Flower Tiles | Only in Sanma. When used, 4 extra rishan are added (the dead wall is temporarily 18 tiles). | |
Chombo Enforcement | Enforced immediatly when the chombo occurs. If it occurs mid-round, the round is aborted then repeated (unless the dealer is the offender) with an extra honba added. | |
The payment for a chombo initially equal to 5 han tsumo in reverse. Each subsequent offence adds an additional han. 14 han is a Double Yakuman, 15 is a Triple Yakuman, etc. | ||
Nuki Dora (Sanma) | Yes, only if flowers are not being used. |